We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation and thanks to those who have contributed towards the realisation of this achievement.
Probably to some of you, we are new, but with open arms, we welcome your participation in our Puteri 12 grassroots organisation. You can either contribute as members or volunteers. Your participation will transform this Association into a successful one.
Who we are?
We are your neighbours and residents surrounding Puteri 12. We are people who care, furthermore concern about the welfare of our neighbourhood and the people residing here. The Residents Association is actually run entirely by volunteers. These volunteers are simply residents of Puteri 12 and are, well, like yourself, live in Puteri 12, have a day job, go through daily traffic jams, have additional job in the evenings - as drivers to their kids, look forward to the weekends and public holidays, but somehow try their best to squeeze sometime for the Residents Association activities, which are mainly for you. All the Committee members (except for the full-time Secretary and Collectors) receive no allowances, whatsoever. They however do spend their own money for the Association at times, which we all should be grateful. When they are unable to donate funds, they still donate, by sacrificing valuable family time.
Among the regular activities of the Association, our committee members (about 30+ volunteers) keep an eye on our security through the appointment of security services, attend any break-in attempts when alerted by our security guards (mostly between 12am and 6am), explain to residents that the Association do not do garbage collection, attend meetings held during office hours because the developer and other government agencies insist on it, and many others, too long to mention here. Our Secretary himself works around the clock. He does not have regular working hours like most of us. He has to attend basically to all needs of our Puteri 12 residents, regardless they are members or not. At times, he is even called upon when our resident’s house-maid goes missing. In whatever situations or conditions, the volunteers were always there to help.
Why do we require a Residents Association?
We share the same common areas, roads, parks and recreational facilities. With these shared facilities we also share the same interest and responsibility of taking care of them by coming together and forming a Residents Association, to make sure our interests are protected.
While problems arise, opportunities to create a closer and caring neighbourhood also arises. It is up to us, the residents of Puteri 12 to create a friendlier and pleasant neighbourhood.
We do call Puteri 12 our home, right?
What are the advantages of a Resident Association?
- We work together to fight neighbourhood crimes such as snatch thieves, motor vehicle thieves, burglaries and break-ins. We don’t physically fight, but we prevent them from happening.
- We share one common interest of preventing crime. We get together our hard-earned income to hire and pay for security services, because most of us are too busy for “Rukun Tertangga”. Although, some residents who are non-contributors might take advantage.
- We have an advantage in working closely with the developer and authorities, to look after our neighbourhood interests.
- The Association act as a watchdog for our neighbourhood community.
- We have a cohesive voice in the interest of the community of Puteri 12. We establish a contact point to serve as a communication centre among the neighbours.
- We share resources and ideas to maintain or improve the community, cleanliness and security.
- We increase the value of the property by developing a safe and friendly neighbourhood.
- We volunteer for a good cause towards an enjoyable life in the community.
How many members do we have?
As of March 2008, 57% houses are already registered service members of our Association. Our existing service members are benefiting full membership privileges, with additional security protection services. The balances of 43% houses are non-members, but mostly still unoccupied. We always encourage non-member residents to join our Association. So if you are part of the 43% non-member residents, please grab a Membership Application Form, fill it up and join us today. The fee you will pay is not merely an unnecessary expense, but an investment. Think about it.
What we do?

Association Objectives
Our main objectives are:
- to advance and maintain the welfare of our Puteri 12 residents;
- to promote and nurture a caring, united and interactive community and to organise and supervise activities towards this end;
- to provide opportunities and forum for recreation and social cultural and educational interaction for the benefit of our members;
- to organise and support schemes for the beautification and cleanliness of the environment of our beautiful Puteri 12 hilltop, and the general improvement of public health and welfare;
- to receive and administer funds for education recreation social and charitable purposes of Puteri 12;
- to purchase, hire or otherwise acquire equipment and apparatus in connection with activities organised to forward the objects our Association;
- to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire the use of any land, site or building for the administration and promotion of the objects of our Association;
- to uphold and protect the interests of our members, generally; and
- to liaise and enter into arrangements with any government or local authority or any other person that may be conducive to our Association’s objects.
What we don’t do
- We do not get involved in politics or politicians agenda and we don’t support any specific political party through our association.
- We do not use our standing in society to gain popularity.
- We do not utilise the funds allocated for our Association for our personal gains. All funds collected are strictly managed for our community’s activities.
- We do not discriminate people by race or religion. We are a “muhibbah” Association.
- We do not promote a specific religion in our Association. All of us have faith and trust in GOD.
- We do not conduct any illegal activities and we don’t encourage any.
- We do not forward your personal information to any third party organisation. All informations provided to us are strictly kept Private and Confidential. Only selected committee members have access to your information.
Future Communication & Information
In the near future, we will be establishing our own website, information/news/blog portal and community forum. Hopefully, without any financial or expertise constrain. With new communication technology, our residents would be able to effectively communicate. Moreover, it’s much more economical to manage.
Also attached, is our Pro-Temp Committee profile. All of them will be presenting themselves for election on the April 13, 2008, at our first EGM. Right after the EGM, the new elected Committee members will be known as the ELECTED PRINCIPLE COMMITTEE MEMBERS. We apologise to the sub-committee members, about 20+ of you, for not being able to place all your profiles in here. In the future, we will have everyone’s profiles in. To all our volunteers, who joined us from day one and some later, Thank you so much. You guys are fantastic and what an assuring thought, to see all of you, so soft in gesture, so patience in actions, so much love in every move. Without stigma and without prejudice, servicing our community.